Introducing Chop Happy!

Hello – I am Jason from Chop Happy. Thank you so much for joining me on my website, this is a dream come true. I am so excited to help you chop happy and teach you how to cook some really cool simple meals. There is never going to be anything complicated – never a million steps – this will be lots of fun.

Ever since I was a little kid – I used to watch the Food Network and The Man Can Cook and I begged my Mom

Mom please take me to make some of these recipes – and she’d take me to the grocery store and we’d make all these fun recipes.

Somewhere along the line, I became a busy professional – but I never stopped loving cooking. So I cook every Tuesday and Friday on my half-days and on the weekends – big meals.

Now I am going to teach you how to cook.

It is so super simple and super easy and you can chop happy just like the name says.  So, I am so grateful with a grateful heart and a full stomach I am so excited for us to teach you how to cook.

My favorite part of my website is [besides the videos] is going to be the “Leftover Remake” section. What that is – is we are going to take the leftover ingredients and some times the leftovers themselves – and we’re going to make a totally new dish with just a couple extra ingredients. It’s a leftover remake! You are never to hear “no more leftovers Mom”.

Welcome to Chop Happy! I am really grateful and really excited for you guys to cook and to chop happy.

With a grateful heart and a yummy tummy – Jay

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