Ultimate Grilling Steak Party Menu (bonus BBQ tips)


Ultimate Grilling Steak Party Menu
With bonus BBQ tips!

Nothing beats a juicy char-grilled steak on the grill. Tom and all my friends love my famous brown sugar rib eye steak and the fun sides below. The funny thing is they are always impressed with how good everything is, but there really is nothing to preparing the meal. Just a couple of quick tips and the steak and sides do the rest. 🙂  So having a party is always fun! – but aren’t we all so tired preparing before our friends come with all that work? Follow these make-ahead recipes and watch the tip videos and you will be golden and cool as a cocktail by the time they arrive. 

I have a funny story that happened when I was grilling with my friends. — We made all the food and then I turned the grill on to BBQ the steak and the grill pan set on !!! fire !!! and it charred our steaks in less than a minute. The fire went out and it was no a big deal -but- that day we ended up eating all the sides below, drank the cocktails and ordered pizza instead lol.

Every time I make this steak I am teased by my friends about the fire I caused. Thankfully the fire had nothing to do with my steak or the recipes lol. 

Cocktails Made for a Crowd


Perfect Steak Sidekicks (Make Ahead Recipes)

Perfect Steak Recipe for a Crowd

Watch These Tips to Have a Stress Free BBQ



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