I have a smoothies every morning and it makes my day start off happy and save money.
Fresh fruit and greens fills me up with fiber and vital nutrients!
The ones I make at home always taste better then the ones at the stores.
- Blending your own smoothie ensures you keep the fiber.
- Smoothies can deliver vitamins, minerals from fruit skins.
- Includes yogurt or milk, you get some calcium too.
- All above information gained by Eating Well!
Products you can buy to make perfect smoothies:
1. I Use This and Love It b/c Has a Timer and Senor to Know When Blended (approximately 1572 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon) Buy This Amazon
2. The NutriBullet comes with Great To Go Cups (approximately 1,246 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon) Buy This Amazon
3. Counter top Ninja Blender For Lots of Shakes (approximately 117 4 star reviews on Amazon) Buy This Amazon
My Top 3 Tips To Eat Healthy:
- Make Coffee at Home: Brewing your coffee at home can save you $100 dollars a month and 1,200 a year (according to Business Insider). Also, its good for the environment because you use a reusable coffee mug instead of throwing out paper coffee cups.
- Yesterdays Dinner is Today’s Lunch: Even something simple like bbq sauce from last night can be today’s bbq chicken wrap. Tzatziki sauce is today’s spread on your bread for a sandwich. Be creative and don’t waste awesome food!
- Grow Your Own Herbs: When I look in my fridge there is always leftover parsley and basil. This is food and money gone to waste. Grow your own fresh herbs and then its free! Plus you can pull off only what you need. Living in NYC apartment I love the new indoor planters
Slow Cooker 2 Ingredient Meatballs
I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!
With a grateful heart – Jay
My Favorite way to add a little more gratitude to my life:
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