Things to Help Busy Families Meal Prep & Eat Healthier

Sunday nights boil your pasta, make your rice, and stir your pot of meat and veggies. When you meal prep you are not only saving money on food but you also know what is going into your food. When you cook at home you are so much healthier.

According To Harvard Health:

  • “The more you cook, the healthier you live. People who frequently cook dinner at home consume fewer calories than those who cook less, according to a study of more than 9,000 people published online Nov. 14, 2014, by Public Health Nutrition. ” (Harvard Health)
  • For instance, the study found that adults who cooked dinner at home only once a week consumed 2,300 calories per day on average, which included 84 grams of fat and 135 grams of sugar. In comparison, regular at-home cooks ate 150 fewer calories per day and consumed only 81 grams of fat and 119 grams of sugar.” (Harvard Health)

So get the ovens on and the skillets sizzling! Meal prep is a great way to eat healthier.

Products you can buy to help you meal prep:

1.  Good For The Environment Clear Meal Prep (approximately 220 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon) Buy This Amazon

2. The Book All About Meal Prep (approximately 177 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon) Buy This Amazon

3. The Ultimate Meal Prep Kit  (approximately 2,788 star reviews on Amazon) Buy This Amazon

My Top 3 Tips To Eat Healthy: 

  1. Make Coffee at Home: Brewing your coffee at home can save you $100 dollars a month and 1,200 a year (according to Business Insider). Also, its good for the environment because you use a reusable coffee mug instead of throwing out paper coffee cups.
  2. Yesterdays Dinner is Today’s Lunch: Even something simple like bbq sauce from last night can be today’s bbq chicken wrap. Tzatziki sauce is today’s spread on your bread for a sandwich. Be creative and don’t waste awesome food!
  3. Grow Your Own Herbs: When I look in my fridge there is always leftover parsley and basil. This is food and money gone to waste. Grow your own fresh herbs and then its free! Plus you can pull off only what you need. Living in NYC apartment I love the new indoor planters

    Sending you gratitude and thankfulness! Hope these books help make you smile and brighten your day!

    Slow Cooker 2 Ingredient Meatballs

    I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

    With a grateful heart – Jay

    My Favorite way to add a little more gratitude to my life: 


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