3 Easy Pasta Dinner Recipes

Hello, my amazing and wonderful Chop Happy people! It’s an easy breezy pasta post just for you!

I love to make pasta dinners because it’s stress-free and they brighten up any weekday! I really can’t wait for you guys to try out these recipes because they are so fun and east to make.

The Key to Tasty Pasta is to:

1. Cook the pasta 1 minute less than the pasta instructions call for. This creates a more chewy pasta (also called al dente, which means there is a bit of bite to the pasta).

2. Save some of the pasta water. Add a little in with the pasta and sauce to marry the flavors and also to thicken the sauce.

3. Mix the pasta in the hot pot with the sauce for at least a minute so the sauce sticks and absorbs into the pasta. (The only exception is pesto. Mix in pesto off heat because you don’t want to cook pesto.)

1. Bacon Marinara Pasta:

If you read my blog, you know I say in almost every post, “In Chop Happy land, bacon is a vegetable.” So naturally we need a bacon pasta dish! This recipe is based on Mario Batali’s restaurant, Lupa, in NYC. The marinara sauce is sweet, spicy, and smokey, all in one. In three easy steps, you’re well on your way to a delicious dinner. My friend Carol’s husband loves this recipe. When he was deployed (in US Army) I made this in honor of him. This was so worth it because it made her smile and think of him while. He is back home now and I smile every time I make this thinking of how much she loved the pasta surprise. Hope this recipe creates memories for you!

2. Kale and Bacon Pasta Carbonara:

This is so simple! The key is to mix the eggs and parmesan cheese in a bowl with a pinch of pepper. Add the sauce to the pasta off heat. The sauce is creamy, cheesy, and decadent. Did I mention yet that it’s super simple? 😀

3.  Frozen Ravioli Lasagna:

This is a regular in my home. After working all day then happily testing recipes, I like to chill at night with a quick home-cooked meal. I like to take shortcuts, so for this, the ravioli replace the lasagna noodles and there is no need to cook them! The ravioli can just go in frozen. Plus, this lasagna will last a couple of days in leftover land.

Need Help?: I am so excited to hear how your pasta dinner goes and if you have any questions about these recipes,

I am here to help. Just comment below and we can work on your menu together!



Here is Your Dash of Gratitude:


“Make your attitude align with who you want to be, inside and out. With this, you can do anything!”


I am so Grateful for you and hope you are doing awesome today 🙂

With a grateful heart – Jay


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