Easy Pepita Seed Mexican Sauce (for enchiladas, tacos, etc.)

I fell in love at first taste with this sauce. There is a fabulous taco stand in the Hampton’s called La Fondita that makes this sauce. It sits on a ledge in an unassuming squeeze bottle, but I literally can drink it all by itself. I put it on my enchiladas, tacos and even just dip chips in it.

The best part !?! – all it takes is a blender and a few ingredients and it’s made. No cooking, never lots of steps just a couple minutes and you are in all purpose Mexican sauce heaven! 

Why this is so special you ask? The pepita seeds (pumpkin seeds) when blended (like with peanuts for peanut butter) get rich and creamy and add a beautiful dairy free creamy texture. The garlic and spicy jalapeño dance wonderfully with the citrusy lime to make sauce nirvana. 

Grab your ingredients and follow along with the video!


Easy Pepita Seed Mexican Sauce Recipe

Serving size about 2 cups


  • Handful of fresh cilantro (or fresh mint)
  • 5 scallions, cut into large pieces
  • 1 jalapeño, deseeded and cut into large chunks
  • 3 whole garlic cloves
  • 1 lime cut in half, juice and zest
  • 4 plum tomatoes, deseeded and cut into large pieces
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 cup shelled pepita seeds (recommend using toasted and salted seeds – raw is good too)
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, as needed


  • In a blender – add pepita seeds, garlic, jalapeño and blend until it has a sand-like consistency (about 30 seconds).
  • Add cilantro, scallions, tomatoes, lime juice and zest, salt, pepper and press pulse a bunch of times to start blending.
  • Add 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil and then blend until it has a thick creamy consistency (about 1 minute).
  • Enjoy!

Tip: If it still feels too chunky as you blend, add a little more olive oil and keep pulsing it until it gets to a nice consistency.

Ok now start your blenders and any questions comment below. What would you use this sauce for?

With a grateful spicy heart and an amazing pepita tummy – Jay

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