Parmesan and Sage Hassleback Potatoes

Crispy cheesy hasselback potatoes is always a good idea. Also an instant state of happy comes over every bite. I am so excited to show you this recipe!

OMG! This is a potato dream I had. If you are what you eat, I am a potato and pasta on the weekends LOL. My mom was big on vegetables/salad on the side, but when she made us potatoes – wow that made me smile! I remember baked potatoes with butter and parmesan with our pork chop or steak.

This is a special recipe, because it reminds me of home and childhood growing up in New Jersey. It’s fun to present at the holidays and watch people smile and stomachs groan in excitement. The Brown crispy potato flavor with the woodsy sage and salty parmesan goodness makes the meal complete.

Parmesan and Sage Hassleback Potatoes Recipe

(serves 4 to 6)


  • 3 lbs Yukon Gold potatoes
  • 4 to 5 leaves of fresh sage
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Pinch of salt and pepper (Best Friends Forever)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 chopsticks or 2 knives to prevent cutting all the way into the potato


  • Pre-heat oven at 400 degrees
  • Cut one  end of the potato and then cut 1/4 inch slice (using chopsticks to keep from slicing all the way through


  • Chop sage
  • Pour olive oil into glass
  • Add chopped sage
  • Add pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper
  • Grate garlic over the mixture

  • Mix the ingredients
  • Place the sliced potatoes on baking sheet* – slightly opening them up so there is space between the slices
  • Brush on mixture – outside and between the slices
  • Bake for 40 to 45 minutes – until it gets nice and crisp
  • Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top of each potato
  • Sprinkle pinch of salt
  • Plate and enjoy!

*TIP – cover baking sheet with aluminum foil for easy clean up.

You are going to impress your guests with this amazingly yummy dish! Give it a try and share pictures of your tasty creation 🙂

With a grateful heart and a yummy hasselback potato tummy – Jay

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View Comments (1)

  • [editor’s note: the following comment came in to the old website]

    DEBORAH HILDERLEY Submitted on 2014/11/18 at 1:04pm
    SUPER YUMMY LOKKING!!! Great tip with the chop sticks!!!!!

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