Cubano Style Pigs in a Blanket (Winner of The Daily Meal’s Top 10)

Grab your leftovers and let’s start creating an amazing all in one handheld meal. As long as you have the prepared crescent dough and some sort of leftover cooked sausage/hot dog you can create so many possibilities. Try this way first then start getting down with your bad self and change up some of the ingredients. This recipe comes from two of my loves, pigs in a blanket, and my childhood fave of potato knishes. There was a place in my town as a kid that put mashed potatoes in pigs in a blanket and man does this remind me of that.

This recipe is super close to my heart because it was my first published recipe and I won top ten from The Daily Meal.

Chop Happy’s Top 10 Winning Recipe!



The Daily Meal’s “Top 10 Best Pigs in a Blanket” Recipe WINNER

One of the best things about pigs in a blanket is that they can be made in whatever style you like. They may seem like a simple combination of meat and dough, and that is partly true. But don’t be mistaken, there are countless varieties of pigs in a blanket  recipes out there. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best pigs in a blanket recipes for your next cocktail party or family get-together. – Jonathan Hirsch, Cook Editor for The Daily Meal | Full Article

So excited and grateful to be included on The Daily Meal’s list. Give it a try and let me know what your favorite version of pigs in a blanket is 🙂

With a grateful heart and a yummy appetizer tummy – Jay

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