Parmesan Pumpkin Seed Crisps

Two ingredient Thanksgiving appetizer.

This is festive, yummy and easy to make. It is also a great way to us the leftover parmesan cheese and pumpkin seeds. This salty crispy bit will wow your guests. It will also make you the envy of Aunt Candice, who has store bought crackers last year. Hope this makes it on your holiday table.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Parmesan Pumpkin Seed Crisps Recipe



  • 2 cups of parmesan cheese
  • 1 cup of salted pumpkin seeds


  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
  • Pour two heaping tablespoons of the awesome grated parmesan cheese in mounds on a non-stick tinfoil lined baking sheet.

Mounds of salty amazingness get ready to be magical.

  • Top parmesan mounds with 5 to 10 pumpkin seeds.

It’s looking pretty already. I hope the parmesan mounds like the jewelry we got them – pumpkin seed tan is their color. 🙂

  • Bake at 350 degrees for 7 minutes until lightly golden brown.
  • Let them “take a 5 minute nap” to cool.  If they all melted together don’t panic. While still hot, take a sharp knife and carefully separate them. They are still delish!

Now Enjoy! This is a winner winner winner on Thanksgiving Day before dinner. That is my Thanksgiving poem LOL! Give it a try and share pictures of your tasty creation 🙂

With a grateful heart and a yummy tummy – Jay

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