Honey Drizzled Smoked Salmon Crostini

As you might guess I am very enthusiastic and my mom comes along for the happy energy ride with grace and fun. When our family gets together we like to eat and we love appetizers.

This is a very special video and post for me because I did this one with my mom! The great and powerful Pam can tell you lots of stories about my energy filled childhood. My mom is my best friend and she is so supportive in all I do. When I first introduced Tom to the family he was sooo excited about all the food that awaited us when we got to my moms that he thought it was the meal. He whispered to me if we had dinner or that was next LOL. This recipe can be done in less then 10 minutes, packs a fun salty crunch, and is sooo sexy-tasty your guest will be super impressed. I love Lox (smoked salmon)! Growing up that was my birthday breakfast or I got a good grade treat. I went to this awesome restaurant called Bottega in San Fran and they had this great appetizer that looked like a bagel with lox but it was creme fraiche and smoked salmon with truffle honey. Now I went home from that trip and started testing. Truffles definitely out, but honey on smoked salmon was like discovering I can eat a bag of potato chips and my skinny jeans were loose. My mind was blown with excitement. Here is my own take on this wonderful childhood fav and my new favorite Cali restaurant take.

Honey Drizzled Smoked Salmon Crostini



  • 1/2 cup creme fraiche or cream cheese
  • Zest of whole lemon
  • 1/2 of lemon juiced
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped chives (Plus more for top of crostini)
  • 1/4 pound of smoked salmon sliced
  • Big kiss of Salt and Pepper (BFF’s)
  • Drizzle of honey for top of crostini
  • 10-15 crostini (I buy them but you can toast sliced baguette)


  • In a bowl mix the creme fraiche, lemon juice, lemon zest (anytime a recipe calls for lemon juice also add the zest it is amazing), chives, and big pinch of salt and pepper together.
  • Now slather on the yummy creamy creme fraiche on the crostini and top with a slice of the salty smoked salmon.
  • Here is were the magic happens! Drizzle on the honey (Do it from high up for even distribution) all over the smoked salmon and top with a small bite of salt. Add to the top a couple of chopped chives for the pop of color and green goodness.
  • Hope you enjoy this salty and sweet creation as much as me and my mom did!

I love this appetizer and weather you call it a crostini or bruschetta crunch away Chop Happy Towns People!! Give it a try and share pictures of your tasty creation 🙂

With A Grateful Heart And An Easy Appetizer Tummy – Jay

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  • Jay, whether I visit your site for a recipe idea or just ... because, I must tell you that I love the positive and happy vibrations I feel. Thankyou! You lift my spirit, make me laugh. and oh the FOOD!!

    ONE PROBLEM...for some reason which escapes me, I cannot get the coconut rice to come out right. I've made it twice, exactly as you said and it came out burnt.
    One more thing.... in case u read my whining here, .. do you have a recipe for stuffed cabbage... NYC STYLE???
    I was such a good cook, even creating my own pasta dishes while I lived in Rome until 93. Now I feel like all that creativity is gone. So finding your Chop Happy. is great!!
    My best to you and Pam.... Rosalind Russell but prettier!!

    • Hi Mary!!! I am so excited to hear from you! You made my day.
      So for the rice: Are you using canned coconut milk? (try using that). Also make sure it is not coconut cream. Another option is add a 1/4 cup of water to the rice as cooking to make sure not burn. Also last thought is maybe the heat is two high? Make sure after it comes to a boil turn down to the lowest heat. You might be doing these things but I have burnt my share of rice before lol. I hope this helps! No cabbage recipes yet but I am testing some. My favorite TV chef Ina Garten has a great one: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/stuffed-cabbage-recipe-1920701. Thank you for the awesome compliment for my mom she is going to be excited!

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