Avocado Hack: Cutting Avocado the Easy Way

This Avocado hack will make sure you never have you work hard to get that wonderful creamy avocado. Also the avocado seed will just remove with ease so you can have VIP access to the delicious green insides! This simple trick will help you make guacamole, avocado salad, or any recipe requiring avocado a breeze!

This cooking tip is fabulous and will definitely make you and your honey filled treats happy.

All you need is a knife and 3 seconds to make your kitchen prep that much easier.

Here is Your Dash of Gratitude: 

“The simpler you can make your life, the more space you will have for joy.

Find less complicated ways to do things that free up space in your head so your soul can smile.”


I am so Grateful for you and hope you are doing awesome today 🙂

With a grateful heart – Jay


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