Grilled Brown Sugar Rib-Eye

Steak holds a special place in my heart and with my family. When I was a kid my Mom and Dad would get so excited when it would get warm and the grill could be open. What would we grill you ask? Steak, steak, steak! It would make my Mom so happy. Every time I eat steak I’m immediately transformed to those memories. Also, when I first met Tom, he loved steak but had never been to a real steakhouse – so it was must that we go! Since then it’s his favorite thing to order when we are out. That’s why making this recipe is so sentimental to me as it brings up the love of my family.

Rib-eye is my favorite cut of meat because it is filled with juicy layers of fat. This may not be on your diet, but it will make it extra juicy and much harder to mess up on the grill. The layers of flavor from the fat naturally bastes the steak. Also even you medium-well lovers will rejoice in its juiciness thanks to all the basting fat.

My Secret Steak Tips:

1. Salt the meat as soon as you get home. I believe if you allow the salt time to get thru the whole steak it adds more flavor. 

2. Leave the steak out 1 hour before cooking. (After 2 hours you cannot eat the steak it goes bad so don’t go crazy here). This will bring the steak to room temperature and allow it to sear better and cook more evenly.

3. When you take the steak out put the rub on so it has time to flavor the steak. You can even put rub on the day before you plan to cook it and put it in the fridge if makes you smile (I didn’t notice a difference either way when I tested it).

4. After cooking, let the steak rest for at least 10 min covered with tinfoil. This will allow the juices to redistribute and make sure the steak is juicy. This is the one thing my Mom never did when we were kids – but now does!

Grilled Brown Sugar Rib-Eye

Ingredients (serves 4 people)

  • 2-two inch rib-eye steaks
  • 4 big fresh sprigs of rosemary
  • 1 garlic clove cut in half
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • Lots of BFF’s salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil to drizzle on the steak


  • When you bring home the beautiful flavor bomb steaks, generously salt all sides and put a spring of rosemary on each side. Re-wrap the steaks and put in fridge till ready to use
  • The eating party is almost an hour away so take the steaks out of the fridge and throw out the rosemary. Now like a painter of a steak masterpiece rub the cut side of the raw garlic all over the steak (This will add garlic flavor without worrying about actual garlic burning on the grill.
  • The salt has been lonely without its friend pepper, so now generously add black pepper to all sides of the steak to reunite the flavor friends.
  • The last step in prep for steak perfection is rub on generously brown sugar all over the steak. This not only adds yummy sweetness to contrast the pepper bite but adds to caramelization that you get at a steak house. Let the steak sit on the counter for 1 hour to rest. NOTE: 30 minutes before grilling turn the grill to medium high. 
  • Drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil on all the sides of the steak and put on the grill for 6-7 minutes per side keeping the lid to the grill closed and do not move the steak except to turn it over (this gets a medium-rare)
  • When these yummy in the tummy steaks are done don’t eat it yet even though your taste buds are eager to have your steak masterpiece.Let it rest covered with tinfoil for 10 minutes. Then chew on Chop Happy cooks :-)!

Enjoy this recipe and I can’t wait for your comments and questions below! When you grill this yummy meal share pictures of your tasty creation 🙂

With a grateful heart and a juicy steak amazing tummy – Jay

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View Comments (4)

  • Sounds delish! We make a rib rub that is similar and use it on just about everything! Happy eating! Glad we found one another via the twitterverse, look forward to reading more.

    • Thank you Josh!!! You are the best! Thank you sooo much!! Reply back so everyone knows were to get your rub!! They can substitue my recipe for yours! Cheers! With Gratitude Jay

  • My fiance now SWEARS by this trick of using brown sugar to create a carmelized crust to his ribeyes (his fave cut of steak too!!)...awesome tip, Chop Happy!

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