Minty Garlic Roasted Radishes

Introducing a sweet and minty radish makeover. I have never made radishes a go-to crunchy treat because of their bitter taste … but I have always wanted to love them! The reason I want to love radishes is because they remind me of me and Tom’s trip to Paris. In France they serve radishes and butter at all the bistro tables and I SO wanted to be like the French and fancily eat these treats, but every bite was not as fabulous as their fresh crusty heavenly bread. Every time I’m in the supermarket or at a restaurant I try and try to enjoy the bitter treat to feel the memories of Paris.

Finally one faithful day I was researching new recipe ideas and I saw a recipe to roast radishes. I thought at first the description could not be true … they were sweet!? How could just olive oil, salt and pepper make it sweet? I tried the recipe and was so excited I got to work at making it Chop Happy yummy. I added mint and lemon to compliment the sweet and some more salt to bring out the flavor. Now radishes shine as bright as the Eiffel Tower at night!

I hope you fall in love with this recipe as much as I did – and it becomes a family favorite. Vegetables move over there is a new king in town and it’s made in the USA with memories of amazing dream-like Paris! Let me know what you think and what you might add to the recipe to make it your own. So excited for you to join in my memories – and if you close your eyes you may be in Paris too 🙂

Minty Garlic Roasted Radishes Recipe



  • 2 lbs radishes cut into quarters
  • 2 to 3 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Big pinches of salt and pepper (best friends forever!)
  • 3 garlic cloves cut into thin slices
  • 1 lemon cut in half
  • 1/4 cup of fresh mint cut into small pieces


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees
  • Place cut radishes onto a baking dish  – I cover mine in aluminum foil for easy clean up later
  • Drizzle olive oil over the top of the radishes – I like to swirl it around three times 🙂
  • Add big kisses of salt and pepper (BFF!)
  • Add the sliced garlic cloves
  • Mix up the ingredients with your hands and spread the radishes out on the baking dish
  • Roast for 25 minutes – the radishes become very sweet as they roast and loose their bitterness
  • Remove from the oven and plate the roasted radishes
  • A tiny squeeze of lemon over the radishes (lemon zest also works)
  • Add the beautiful refreshing mint right on top

Give it a try and let me know if this also becomes a family favorite – like it did mine! 🙂

With a grateful French heart and a sweet minty radish tummy – Jay

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