NYC Ginger Vodka Mule

Official Chop Happy Drink of 2015 – raise a glass to happiness, fun and a year of Party-Pants-Excitement!

Helllllllllooooooo to all my friends out there in Chop Happy Land.

I am very big on gratitude and living life. I love New Years as it gives us a “clean plate” to dream big, cook fabulously and toast to being part of this AMAZING show called life!!! No better way to celebrate than a great cocktail to wash down all that gratitude!

In my head I am on a beach drinking this drink with Oprah, Kathy Griffin and the cast of “The Chew” as we sing 80’s songs and give each other high fives! It would be great if at the end Oprah (my best friend in my head!) gave us a new car LOL!!!

NYC Ginger Vodka Mule Recipe



  • 2 candy ginger pieces per glass
  • 4 mint leaves gently torn per glass
  • 2 to 3 oz of your favorite vodka

I like Ciroc because I dream one day of being invited to a P-Diddy party

  • Approximately 8 oz Ginger Beer – this has no alcohol in it
  • Lots of ice
  • 1/2 lime


  • Fill a glass with lots of ice.
  • Tear the ginger and mint into small pieces
  • Throw (with pizzazz) on top the the ginger candy and mint
  • Now like a spicy water fall – fill the glass with a little over half way with ginger beer
  • Add one to two short glugs of vodka! If you are a measuring Marvin (LOL) use the measurements up top!
  • Mix it up
  • Now the best part sip it and dream all the dreams you want to come true in 2015!!!!!

This drink is my favorite! It sometimes gets served in a fun tin cup chilled and is soo cute! But you get down with your fabulous self and put in a soup bowl if you want (a glass probably would work better)!!!
You can have this New Years Eve, New Years Day Brunch, New Years Day Dinner, or like me all year long!!

Ok raise your glasses…“Cheers for the New Years!!!!!!!” Give it a try and share pictures of your tasty creation 🙂

With a grateful heart and a ginger yummy tummy – Jay

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