Smoky Kale Chips

Crunch all the way to the North Pole! So healthy you can have a Christmas cookie next.

The fun of this recipe is you just tear the beautiful green leaves off the kale stems, oil them up in all the fun wrinkly crevices, and add smokey/salty seasonings and into the oven they go! The video I made below says it all on how crunchy they are (I call it “natures side effects”). One bite and the sound of yumminess goes throughout the whole house (or small beautiful NYC apartment in my case)!

The secret ingredient to create smokiness comes from Spanish paprika also called smoked paprika. The paprika gives it that barbecue and deep tasty extra something. I also add some pepper to the chips for a spicy bite (I noticed most recipes did not use pepper, so I tested it both ways and the pepper is the extra pow of flavor they need). Be a recipe soldier and add as much paprika and pepper per your taste. When I was on the couch eating these chips Tom actually was confused as it was healthy and was not a potato. That is how good they are LOL!

Smoky Kale Chips Recipe



  • 1 bunch of Kale
  • 3 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 Tablespoon of smoke paprika
  • 1 small pinch of salt and 5 turns of pepper mill (Best Friends Forever)


First – rules to chip by:

  • Wash the leaves until they are dry so the kale doesn’t steam – it crisps
  • Do not over salt! When the kale chips shrinks to their crispy destiny the salt will over power them. Salt after they come out of the oven if you feel they need more salt.
  • Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
  • Wash and dry the kale completely
  • Tear kale into larger then bite size pieces discarding the steams and place on baking sheet

  • Drizzle olive oil over the kale
  • Add salt, pepper and the smoke paprika over the kale
  • Mix ingredients into the kale
  • Spread out the kale on the baking sheet
  • Cook for 18 to 20 minutes until they are crisp
  • Enjoy!

 LEFTOVER REMAKE TIP – Save the kale stems. When you are done eating all the pickles and all that is left is the juice – put the kale stems in the jar and shake it up. You now have yummy pickled kale stems.

Crispy crunchy and easy to make! They are so DELICIOUS and HEALTHY!!! Give it a try and share pictures of your tasty creation 🙂

With a grateful heart and a healthy snack (but don’t tell anyone) tummy – Jay


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View Comments (4)

  • I have jerky made with tofu, or bean curd sheets, it is done like meat jerky, for tofu types you matnraie the tofu in soya based flavourings, and drain, then process in your dehydrator for the units instruction on meat jerky, it take 6-10 hours on a low setting I understand, my mother had one and did it at night to lessen the hydro drain and not hear the fan making the noise all day.

    • That is an amazing ideas! I am going to have to try that! I love to find fun ways to add great flavor to tofu. Thanks for the comment and happy cooking.
      With Gratitude

  • Love, love, love kale chips! Never thought of adding the pepper and smoked paprika. Great idea and can't wait to put this spin on them! Thanks for the inspiration :)

  • Love, love, love kale chips! Never thought of adding the pepper and smoked paprika. Great idea and can't wait to put this spin on them! Thanks for the impression. :)

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