True Hollywood Story on Peeling Ginger

Ginger is a huge flavor packed masterpiece for your tongue to sing and dance. It has a fun spicy and delicious component and that will definitely be heard hanging out with the loudest of ingredients!

Although some may say it looks like an alien and that to take away the protective skin is as much a mystery as how to do math. There is an easy quick way to peel this yummy flavor bomb. A spoon. Watch this video and be the magician in the kitchen. Also we show you what to do with the tons of leftover ginger so you don’t waste the leftovers.


Don’t Cry For Me Ginger – We will peel you and save you!


Peeling the Ginger



  • Ginger
  • A Spoon
  • A Love Song for Your Ginger


  • Take spoon and scrape the ginger to remove the peel
  • Put Leftover Ginger into a freezer bag and you can reuse it for 3 months

Now all of us can rest easy knowing how easy it is to peel ginger. Also we can tell our friends and family that we are money saving Kings and Queens by saving that leftover ginger! Give it a try and share pictures of your tasty creation 🙂

With a Grateful Heart and a Ginger Amazing Tummy – Jay

*Image by Noodlehug

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