Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Wondering how to make grilled cheese better than the rest? Get ready to elevate your grilled cheese game to award winning.  My life was changed when we went to the Kappacasein Dairy’s stand at the London Borough Market. It’s a grilled cheese place (they call them toasties) that serves toasted cheese sandwiches – with the simplest ingredients – that are so crazy amazing! I went home and right off the plane I had to start testing it.

It is crunchy, cheesy, creamy and all the ingredients dance in a utopia of perfect grilled cheese. From the bread to the perfect blend of cheeses and the creamy surprise – I have created the perfect marriage of ingredients to make this a winner. The key to Chopping Happy when making any grilled cheese is to “assembly line” it and prepare everything ahead of time. Watch the video and you will see what I mean and stress free eating here we go :-)!

Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe



(4 sandwiches)

  • 2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup shredded swiss cheese
  • 1 cup shredded gruyere cheese
  • 1/4 of a red onion chopped into small pieces
  • 3 scallions finely chopped
  • Big “3 finger pinch” of pepper
  • Sourdough bread cut into 8 half inch slices
  • 2 tablespoons of butter per slice
  • 1 tablespoon dijon mustard per slice
  • 1 tablespoon mayonnaise per slice


  • Preheat panini press
  • Butter both sides of the sliced bread and set aside
  • Combine all shredded cheeses into a bowl – you can just smell the sharpness of the cheddar and nuttiness of the ummm gruyere!
  • Add chopped deep purply red onion and the mild scallions
  • Add a big 3-finger-pinch of pepper and gently mix (with your hands) the cheese, pepper and onions together
  • Spread dijon mustard and mayonnaise on one side of the bread slices (the inside of your toastie) and use a butter knife to mix in all the creamy spicy yumminess
  • Take a handful of the cheese mixture and spread it out evenly on one side of the bread – and place the second slice of bread on top making sure the butter-only sides are on the outside and the amazing cheesy mayo/dijon is on the inside
  • Put cheese toastie into pre-heated panini press and toast for ~ 3 minutes – remove and cut toastie in half
  • Get ready to be transported to London’s Borough Market as you bite into this cheesy dream

If you don’t have a panini press – no problem. Just use a large skillet heated on medium high and a heavy pan to press the sandwich as it toasts for ~ 3 minutes.  Flip it over and repeat!

When we discovered these cheese toasties we loved them so much we ordered seconds! … my Mom couldn’t finish hers – so since I love her so much! I took care of it for her 😉 

I hope you love this crazy amazing grilled cheese! Let me know what you think of this tasty creation 🙂

With a grateful London heart and a cheezy toastie tummy – Jay

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View Comments (1)

  • OMG - We missed this when we were in Borough Market ( we focused on the fish & chips ). This is like grilled cheese heaven! This has to be, for me, the ultimate grilled cheese. My mouth waters reading about it!!!

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