Annual Thanksgiving Eating Games

Let the Annual Thanksgiving Games Commence!
(Let me know who in your family wins.)


I am a proud member of the Stretchy Pants Club!

Ok, Chop Happy townspeople, it’s eating season, and no matter what diet you’re on, this is a “National Eating Marathon”! This is my absolute favorite holiday of the year! This year, we are going to Maryland to see my sister and her awesome family. There is a ratio of 20 sides for each guest and three pies per person. I will be bringing my Citrus Kale Saladso we all feel better about ourselves because it is so DELISH! you do not realize it’s healthy. But the eight potato dishes will compete in my belly for “King of Thanksgiving”. Check out my fun guide to feeling better about eating soooooooo much on Thanksgiving!

Fun Tips and Facts for a Fun Stretchy Pants Thanksgiving

  1. Getting up for seconds DOES count as exercise.
  2. Dessert has zero calories because you will be too full to do the math.
  3. Your mom always said to eat your veggies. Perfect, because pumpkin pie, cranberries, sweet potato pie and maple bacon glazed carrots count.
  4. Clearing the table for dessert is cardio.
  5. The Midnight-Tin-Foil-Game also counts as exercise and must be played.

Here’s how it works . . .

Step One – Go to the refrigerator, but keep the lights off so no one else wakes up and tries to take the food (too). The light of the fridge will guide you.

Step Two – Grab all the leftovers wrapped in tin foil and open. (If you have a Mom like my Mom, it’s triple-wrapped to protect against nuclear war.)

Step Three – Put all the leftovers between two pieces of bread. Next, sit on the floor with a can of soda and eat away, Thanksgiving King or Queen!

Bonus Round – To advance to the next round, no one can wake up and you must carefully put everything back neatly in the refrigerator (so on Christmas night you can do it all over again).

Advanced Players (if you are not caught) – Christmas is a more advanced round because you have to beat Santa Claus for the ham, LOL!

(By New Years hit that gym – summer’s coming!)

Do not worry – there is almost a month until Christmas.

You have plenty of time to detox, so you can fit in the stretchy pants again, LOL!

Check out my easy fun side dishes that can help you get to the stretchy pants kingdom. I’d love to hear how successful you were at getting the tin foil off without waking anyone up in the house  🙂

With a grateful heart and a stretchy pants tummy – Jay

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