My Top 3 Picks for Indoor Herb Gardens To Buy On Amazon

Here are 3 of my favorite picks for indoor herb gardens.

When you have fresh herbs at home it makes you inspired to cook! Cooking at home ensures you know what levels of salt and fat will go into your meals. This will make your diet so much healthier. I love just picking herbs and making my dish! This is a big money saver and you will eat healthier.

3 Indoor Herb Gardens That Are Awesome:

1.  LED/Hydroponic/Self Watering Indoor Herb Gardens

(approximately 68 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon)

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2. LED/Comes with Herbs Pods/Tells You When Needs Water

(approximately 1,246 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon)

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3. Put on Window and Grow 9 Herbs For Awesome Cooking

(approximately 117 4 star reviews on Amazon)

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According to NBC news: there are allot of hidden health befits to using fresh herbs in cooking. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Tip: Save the steams to the herbs and put in freezer bag in freezer. When bag is full put in slow cooker (low 10 hours) with salt, pepper, water, garlic, and ginger and you can make homemade veggie broth.

Here are some herbaceous recipes to inspire you:

  • Easy Grilled Pesto Pizza
  • Shrimp and Potato Pesto Salad
  • Green Eggs and Ham Recipe

    My Top 3 Tips To Eat Healthy: 

    1. Make Coffee at Home: Brewing your coffee at home can save you $100 dollars a month and 1,200 a year (according to Business Insider). Also, its good for the environment because you use a reusable coffee mug instead of throwing out paper coffee cups.
    2. Yesterdays Dinner is Today’s Lunch: Even something simple like bbq sauce from last night can be today’s bbq chicken wrap. Tzatziki sauce is today’s spread on your bread for a sandwich. Be creative and don’t waste awesome food!
    3. Grow Your Own Herbs: When I look in my fridge there is always leftover parsley and basil. This is food and money gone to waste. Grow your own fresh herbs and then its free! Plus you can pull off only what you need. Living in NYC apartment I love the new indoor planters.

    Hope This helps you make a few changes needed to make your life healthier. I love indoor herb gardens!

    Any question comment below or email! I love helping change the recipe!

    My Favorite Ways To Save Money In The Kitchen:

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    Check Out This book! It changed my life and keeps me centered:


    With a grateful heart and an amazing tummy – Jay




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