4 Best Slow Cooker / Instant Pots To Making Cooking Easier

The slow cooker / instant pot makes dinner so you dont have to. Come home to a hot dinner so you have more time for you! Here are my top 4 favorite slow cookers/insta pots to make your life in the kitchen easier!

Slow Cook Your Meals (Dinners Ready and Less Likely to Order Takeout)

I call the slow cookers my personal chef. The night before I put all the ingredients in the slow cooker. In the morning before work I take out of fridge and turn on. Then come home and dinner was made for me. How many times have you come home with ingredients in the fridge but too tired to cook. I have totally been there and I order takeout lol! The slow cooker avoids this and is me and Toms most used tool in the kitchen. I love coming home to short ribs, brisket, or ginger turmeric lentils for dinner. Here are my favorite recipes:

Happy slow cooker cooking! May this not only save you money but also time. Time to our selves to chill and reconnect with our family is so important. With the slow cooker one less thing you need to do!

My Favorite Slow Cooker/Insta Pot Products I Recommend:

1. Portable Slow Cooker w/ Temp Probe 

(approximately 3033 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon)

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2.  Instant Pot 

(approximately 3478 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon)

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3. The Ninja Instant

(approximately 199 4 1/2 star reviews on Amazon)

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4. Crock Pot 

(approximately 1,093 star reviews on Amazon)

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Slow Cooker 2 Ingredient Meatballs

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

My Favorite way to add a little more gratitude to my life: 

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