Here, every minute counts so when I get home from a long day, I’m ready for dinner almost immediately. So takeout is so easy and fast but becomes expensive. There is nothing like a homecooked meal, so these recipes will show you how to put a warm, tasty, and smile-worthy meal on the table in just a short amount of time. Here are 3 awesomely fast dinners that will be faster then it takes the take out delivery to home to your door.

1) One Pot Parmesan Spaghetti
Hello, my fellow busy home cooks! This recipe is my go-to when I’ve forgotten to go to the grocery store and have 15 minutes of energy to cook before I pass out. Easy, cheesy, and filled with pasta smiles. Living in NYC there is a ton of places to get pasta but sometimes you want that quick comfort food hug made at home. Check out this fast recipe!
2) Ultimate Spicy Cheese Burger
3) Bacon Avocado Hot Dog
I think one of the top “satisfying to the taste buds” sandwich is definitely a BLT. This hot dog recipe is a BLT with a California twist! What could be better than any food you eat – that has bacon in the name? In my mind, bacon is totally a vegetable and a basic must have food group.
If You have any questions,
I am here to help. Just comment below and we can work on your recipes together!
Here is Your Dash of Gratitude:
I am so Grateful for you and hope you are doing awesome today 🙂
With a grateful heart – Jay
Make Your Mark