3 Fabulous Recipes To Make Your Date Fall In Love

Date food is a fabulous way to make someone fall in love. It says you care and appreciate them when you cook for them. When Tom and I started dating I cooked for him all the time. Then he had to say all my recipes tasted good lol. Now 11 years later he still has too. Check out these recipes for a romantic date.

1) “I Heart You” Pancake Recipe

Nothing says “I love you” like a heart-shaped breakfast in bed. This cute treat is great for Valentine’s day, a birthday, or just to say “I love and appreciate you.” The best part is this recipe is so easy! This is date food for after the date lol.


2) BBQ Chili Ribeye Steak Recipe:

Dear Grilled Ribeye Steak, I love you!  Not only is this steak amazingly flavorful, like from a NYC steak house, but it’s soooooo easy to make. First of all, we are using the supermodel of steaks:  the ribeye.  To me, the ribeye is the easiest steak to cook because of all the beautiful fat marbling in the steak.  The fat bastes itself and is so hard to over cook. To Tom making him a steak is love.


3) Bacon Wrapped  Tater Tots:

Bacon wrapped anything says I love you! This is a ridiculously easy recipe combining saltiness, crunchiness, and gooey cheesiness. Throw an egg on it to make it even more brunch fabulous. This irresistible bacon wrapped tater tot is my new favorite appetizer. Don’t tell my bestie “pigs in a blanket!” This is a sure way to get me to do the dishes.

Romantic Places In Eat In NYC:

  • Morimoto NYC is a trendy fun restaurant that is for a special date night. The crispy rock shrimp, and toro tartar are amazing!
  • Cookshop is our go to date night place. Everything is amazing but their crispy potato sides are out of this world.
  • Eleven Madison Park is ultra fancy and a special occasion place. This is will you marry me type of eats.


May every date be magical and have so much fun. Any date recipes you dont see here or comfort food questions comment below. As Oprah says buy yourself flowers every once in a while. Because you should also show yourself love. I am sooo grateful to cook with you! Happy Cooking and any game day questions comment below!

Here is Your Dash of Gratitude:

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

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