3 Cooking Hacks That Will Change Your Life In The Kitchen

You come home from a long day and want something decadent and fast easy dinner. When I walk through the door of my apartment, after Tom and Charlie (my frenchie) say hi, my goal is dinner on the table fast! Here are 3 staple recipes you can make fast and get to watching your favorite shows!

1) Easiest NEW Way To Cut An Avocado:

This lobster quesadillas is the ultimate I love you. Its sweet, cheesy, and crispy each bite.  Sometimes the simplest things taste like a symphony of flavor. Tip: buy pre-cooked lobster and in less then 15 minutes dinner is done!


2) How To Roast A Spaghetti Squash Whole

How many of my fellow home cooks have a hard time cutting through the hard and tough raw spaghetti squash in half to roast it? Watch this video and learn my lazy, easy way to roast spaghetti squash whole without having to cut it. When the squash is cooked the knife goes through like butter and cooking stays fun and tasty!


3) How to Roast Perfect Veggies

This is a 30 second tip on how to roast perfect vegetables. If you learn one fun thing about roasting, this is it. I can’t tell you how many times I have roasted soggy veggies until I learned this simple trick. (I have also burned a lot of things too, but that’s another blog post lol!)


Were to Eat The BEST Bacon In NYC:

(All of these are me and Toms Favorites)

  1. Peter Luger has world famous thick cut bacon. People love to dip it in their signature BBQ sauce! They also have amazing steak.
  2. BLT Prime are as big as my head. They are probably the biggest bagels in NYC. You do not have to go to Brooklyn to get them. They are located in Chelsea too.


May every recipe be magical and have so much fun. Any pasta recipes you dont see here or comfort food questions comment below. I am sooo grateful to cook with you! Happy Cooking and any game day questions comment below!

Here is Your Dash of Gratitude:

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

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