10 Things You Can Buy On Amazon To Declutter and Organize your Kitchen

Here are my favorite kitchen tools that will make your kitchen organized and add so much space. Me and Tom live in a small NYC apartment so space is limited. I find creative ways to add more shelf space and here are my top 10 recommendations. I hope this makes the kitchen less cluttered and more happy for you!

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My Top 3 Tips To Start Organizing Your Kitchen: 

  1. Combine Spices: My cabinet use to be half filled with spices. I would think I was out of garlic powder and buy more. Go through your cabinets and find double and combine them so more space. Also dried spices lose there flavor after a year so check to see the expiration dates on the spices you currently have.
  2. Use The Food In Your Fridge/Freezer: Before you go out and buy more groceries see what is in your refrigerator. If you have spices that are almost done you can heat olive oil, garlic and spices and then mix with pasta for quick dinner. Frozen peas forgotten in the freezer and pasta can be a pea pesto pasta dinner for the week. Ritz Crackers left out too long make Oven Fried shrimp. Even puff pastry almost at due date you can make a Wellington recipe!
  3. Scan Your Cabinet Before You Go To The Store: How many times do you buy spaghetti, spices or mayo and realize when you get home you had a half full bottle already.  Before going to the supermarket just scan your kitchen to see what you have so you dont buy double.
  4. Read a Book On Organization and Letting Go: Marie Kondo’s Book on KonMari Method is awesome! It talks about holding an item and seeing how it feels and is it something you really need. I did this recently in my kitchen. I got rid of a mixer, a blender, and plates I literally never use. It was so liberating and made my kitchen look so much bigger. I love in a small NYC apartment so that is a big deal.

1) The Spice Stadium (see your spices and be organized)

This expandable spice rack displays all your spices so they are easy to find and declutters your cabinets. I would put the “most used” spices on the top shelf so easy to see and fast to grab. The bottom shelf I put spices like nutmeg and cinnamon sugar that I use very little. It is all about spice real estate! This will make so much room in your cabinets and also avoid buying double spices. Also, I love the way it looks all lined up and pretty.

The reviews have 1,375 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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I have so many pots and pans that I store them in the oven, draws, and cabinets. I needed the “Art of Tidying Up” to get rid of some of them. But now I am going to use this amazing organizer. How cool is this to stack everything neatly in one place. Plus it makes it so much easier to find which pan. I would stack it with your favorite pan on the top and bottom racks. This way you always know were to grab the right pan.

The reviews have 3,182 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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3) Fridge/Freezer Organizer

This is more life changing then you can ever know. Just putting things in the clear plastic organizers. This makes the refrigerator so neat and clean. Also, no more staring into the fridge hoping the yogurt will come out of hiding. Tom stares at the fridge all the time lol! When your house is in order it changes the energy of the kitchen and makes such happy vibes. Also, makes cooking so much easier and less stressful.

The reviews have 1,117 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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4 ) Mobile Thin Portable Extra Kitchen Space!

Are you like me and Tom and never have enough space to put things? This is the perfect solution! Put the kitchen, in your pantry closet, or next to the counter. Simplistic and genius  way to add space. Amazon calls this small storage solution. I call it small apartment kitchen addition lol!

The reviews have 196 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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5 ) Saran Wrap Tin-Foil Organizer

We use to open our cabinet and chances were that saran wrap or tin foil would fall out of the cabinet onto us. Also, if it was pushed to back of cabinet we never found it lol! This stacks and displays all your foil and saran wrap boxes for easy storage. Also avoid flying kitchen supplies lol! I hope you buy this and it makes your life easier and more organized in the kitchen.

The reviews have 960 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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6) Refrigerator Side Storage 

Genius use of blank space! The reviews say it is super easy to assemble and saves allot of space for more storage! Imagine having all your soda, water and non refrigerator items from big box stores like Costco or Sams Club stored here to be on deck for use when needed.  The reviews have 55 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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This makes it easy to get your morning coffee. Just open the draw, look for your flavor, and cheers to a great day. No more messy counter or draw filled with pods. The morning is now simple and filled with coffee dreams come true!

The reviews have 65 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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8) Stackable Can Rack Organizer

Canned food is a great way to save money and to have easy pre-cooked dinners or added veggies! I always forget about cans I bought and they end up hiding at the back of the cabinet. Then I buy more thinking we don’t have it. This will make them easily displayed and motivation to cook at home.

The reviews have 1,117 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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9 ) Organizer for Baking Sheets and Random Cooking Vessels

This really made such an organizational difference! Stacking my sheet pans, spring form pans, cupcake pans, and random Tupperware tops is so easy now! This makes my kitchen so much less messy and avoids me searching draws and cabinets for the missing sheet tray. I hope this makes life easier in the kitchen for you too!

The reviews have 2,154 average 4 1/2 star reviews so people love this product!

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10 ) Organize Soda Cans In The Fridge!

This is a great way to clear up space in the fridge! Put this on bottom side shelf for easy access to a cold soda. Living in NYC apartment we stack cans in the coat closet do to lack of space. This is a game changer. Another way to save space with soda is my the amazing home made Soda Maker! Cheers to making life easier and to cold soda ready for you when ever you want it.

The reviews have 634 average 4  star reviews so people love this product!

Sending you gratitude and thankfulness! Hope these organizers help make you smile and brighten your day!

Slow Cooker 2 Ingredient Meatballs

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

My Favorite way to add a little more gratitude to my life: 

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