8 Kitchen Hacks To Make Life Easier In The Kitchen

Nothing better then less work in the kitchen with the same yummy results with awesome recipe hacks!

My favorite way to shop all my favorite stores and you get paid:

1) How To Peel Whole Garlic In A Jar

This tip on how to peel garlic in a jar will save so much time and effort. I love garlic in everything.


2) Easiest Way To Cut Avocado Without Fighting The Seed

I have an awesome solution and this is now my favorite way to cut an avocado. It is effortless, the seed falls off on its own, and there is no sticking your knife in the seed and praying it does not cut you.


3) How To Roast A Whole Spaghetti Squash (so much easier to cut in half)

How many of my fellow home cooks have a hard time cutting through the hard and tough raw spaghetti squash in half to roast it? Watch this video and learn my lazy, easy way to roast spaghetti squash whole without having to cut it!

4 ) How To Make Cauliflower Rice (cheaper and easier to make at home)

Cauliflower rice is a one ingredient wonder. The texture, amazing absorption abilities, and secret healthiness – this is a winner winner rice dinner!


5 ) Speedy Way to Hull Strawberries 

Are you ready to make prepping strawberries super fast and easy? This is amazing.


6 ) Boil Your Potatoes With This to Add Flavor

Ever make potato salad or mashed potatoes and felt the potatoes were not seasoned enough? Well here is the solution.


7 ) How to Boil Rice Like Pasta

This hack makes me so happy! I love rice but its super easy to mess up. This solves that problem because no measuring! Just boil water and pour.


8 ) Slow Cooker Caramelized Onions

Sweet butter caramelized onions with no stirring! Just go to work and come home to onion magic!



BONUS RECIPE: Slow Cooker 2 Ingredient Meatballs

May every slow cooker soup recipe be magical and have so much fun. Also, any recipes you dont see here or comfort food questions comment below. I am sooo grateful to cook with you! Finally, happy Cooking and any game day questions comment below! Happy eating and make all your recipe dreams come true!

Tools I Recommend:

1. Awesome Crock Pot!

2. A Compact Zoodle Maker that fits in the Draw:

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

My Favorite way to add a little more gratitude to my life: 

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