Frozen gnocchi on a sheet pan becomes 20 minute pasta pizza.
Frozen gnocchi, frozen broccoli, onions, and pepperoni become an easy pizza dinner. You literally throw frozen pasta and vegetables on a sheet pan and they cook without you having to defrost them. I love every carb bite of this garlicky, carb happy dinner. When creating this recipe I wanted every bite to taste like a NYC pizzeria.
Dedicated To NYC and NJ:
First of all, Tom loves pepperoni on his pizza so that was a given ingredient. Also, I love parmesan cheese on my pizza so that was necessary in this recipe. Whenever I create a pizza recipe of any variation there are certain seasonings I always use. If you have ever been in a NJ or NYC pizza shop (I grew up in NJ so want to represent), there is always a section of toppings at the end of the counter. Red pepper flakes, oregano, and garlic powder are always the star toppings waiting to dance with your slice of pizza. So these seasonings were a must to season the pasta. Pantry seasonings get so excited when they get to season your dinner. Close your eyes when you eat this and you will taste the pizza at your favorite pizzeria.

The Positive Lesson Pasta Taught Me:
Growing up, every Thursday we would get Italian food. I am not sure why Thursdays but it was my second favorite day of the week (besides Saturdays)! It was always so fun and felt like a Goldstein special event. Also, it was just a way for my parents to celebrate the small stuff. This was such an important lesson I learned that stuck with with me even to now.
Do not wait for something big to happen. Do not wait to have a fancy party. Just celebrate today! Just because it is today! In this crazy world if everyone just picked a day to celebrate only it being today, the world would be a happier place. Get burgers, tacos, or Italian food. Eat it out of the cartons. Just laugh and be grateful for what you have and the people you are eating with. Every time I make this recipe or smell pizza I am reminded to be grateful and appreciate the small stuff. This is all thanks to my parents! I hope this inspires you and makes your day tastier and happier. I am grateful for you and would love to hear what food memories make you smile. Comment below!
Things you will need:
- Sheet Pan : Click here: for an awesome recommendation!
- Awesome Gnocchi: Click here: for an awesome recommendation!
Watch How To Make This Awesome Pasta:
Sheet Pan Pepperoni Pizza Gnocchi
- 2 bag frozen gnocchi
- 1 bag frozen broccoli
- 1 onion (chopped)
- 1 tablespoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon oreagno dried
- 15 peperoni slices
- 4 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
- 1 teaspoon salt/pepper
- 1/4 cup parmesan
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
- First, mix all the ingredients except parmesan and vinegar on sheet pan. Spread out all the ingredients.
- Next, cook in the oven for 20 miutes on middle rack.
- Finnally, add vinegar and parmesan. Enjoy!
Other Easy Recipe Ideas:
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Any question comment below or email! I love helping change the recipe!
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With a grateful heart and an amazing tummy – Jay
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