3 Delicious, Easy Ways to Cook With Kimchi

Me and Toms first date was at K-Town in NYC and that is were I first had kimchi. It was life changing. The spicy and sweet flavor is sooo addictive. It also is a great way to get allot of flavor in your recipes without allot of work.

1) Slow Cooker Kimchi Soup Recipe:

Slow Cooker Kimchi Soup is a warm bowl of easy comfort food hugs. It is spicy and sweet mixed with a spoonful of love. This is my easy recipe for a weeknight warm up. It is so easy to make and the kimchi does most of the work.


2) Kimchi Potato Chip Hot Dog

This is one of my favorite backyard (or in my case rooftop) recipes. It is as easy as it gets and in less then 10 minutes your taste buds will dance and applaud. This makes cooking look so easy. In no time you can have a fun dinner on the table.


3) Kimchi and Bacon Fried Rice

Can’t get much more comfy than with a bowl of spicy kimchi and salty bacon, combined with buttered rice. I love this dish and it holds a big smile in my heart. My friend Carol taught me this recipe. Here secret is adding butter at the end to round out the dish. Anytime butter is the secret ingredient I am in.


Were to Eat The BEST Kimchi In NYC:

(All of these are me and Toms Favorites)

  1. Kang Ho Dong Baek Jeong has a really cool Korean BBQ vibe. They also have awesome kimchi.
  2. Dons Bogam: is a place we go to allot. They have cool seating and yummy Korean BBQ!


May every recipe be magical and have so much fun. Any pasta recipes you dont see here or comfort food questions comment below. I am sooo grateful to cook with you! Happy Cooking and any game day questions comment below!

Here is Your Dash of Gratitude:

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

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