The Ultimate Burger Hot Dog Food Hack

Never decide if you are having a cheese burger or hot dog again with this burger hot dog food hack.

In the Goldstein house growing up as soon as the snow melted we grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. No longer do you need to ask your family how many hot dogs and hamburgers they want! My family are ketchup people on our hot dogs but I know there is a big debate! I actually sometimes add Dijon mustard. No matter what your toppings this is a fun weeknight celebration! You can actually make double the recipe. Assemble all the burger dogs and then freeze half for a dinner another week. Before work put them in fridge so defrost before work. I love a fun food hack.
Use the kitchen as a place of gratitude! As you assemble the burgers just take deep breaths and clear your mind. You can even just keep repeating “I am making dinner” over and over to get into a state of mindfulness. We all end up in the kitchen at some point so use it as a place to chill out from the day! Happy Cooking!

Gratitude Tip While You Cook:

My mission with Chop Happy is to create easy recipe for busy people with a dash of gratitude! Since we all have to be in the kitchen at some point in our day lets use that time to zen out and gain more gratitude.
For the time the burgers cooks visualize your dreams as if it is already here. Working on you does not have to be a long drawn out process. It can be as simple as a couple of pages of a motivational book. The perfect book to read to learn more about finding calmness, your dreams and making your wishes a reality is The Secret!

Time Saving Dinner Hacks / Cooking Tips:

  • How to Perfectly Season Beef: For every pound of beef 1 teaspoon of salt is the perfect measurement! This will add great beefy zing to your burgers or meatloaf.
  • Gratitude While Stirring: Use the kitchen as a place for self care. As you stir or chop say what you are grateful for. I do this all the time so that cooking can be a time to recharge.

Watch How To Make Burger Hot Dogs (approx 1 minute video):


The Ultimate Burger Hot Dog Food Hack

Course Appetizer, Main Course
Keyword barbeque, burgers, grilling, hot dogs
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Servings 4 burgers


  • 2 pounds ground beef (80/20)
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 4 hot dogs
  • 4 slices cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 onion (chopped)
  • 2 pickle (chopped)
  • Ketchup or Mustard
  • 4 hot dog buns


  • First, place hot dogs in the microwave for approximately 1 minute to cook. This saves cleaning extra pans.
  • Next, in a bowl mix the ground beef, salt, and pepper with your less dominate hand. The hand you use less will make sure you dont over work the meat and make the burgers tough.
  • Now, divide the beef into four and wrap each hot dog with beef in the shape of the hot dog. See video above for reference. Add extra salt and pepper on the burger dog.
  • Next, on a hot grill or super hot pan cook the burger dogs about 1 minute per side for medium rare and 3 min for well done.
  • Now, place on a hot dog bun, top with cheese, ketchup/mustard, onions, and pickles.
  • Finally, cheers to easy recipes that celebrate you!
Other Easy Recipes: Any question comment below or email! I love helping change the recipe!
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View Comments (2)

  • What a wonderful idea! I have got to make these for the hubby since hot dogs and hamburgers are his two favorite food groups! I love mindful cooking, it actually comes so naturally to me, I really enjoy that! Thank you!

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