How To Make The Easiest Easter Dinner

A holiday is a time to celebrate with your family and to create traditions and memories. These recipes give you a chance to spend more time with your family and less time in the kitchen!


Pretty in Pink PEEPS Cocktail

Fun festive way to celebrate Easter! This is an easy make ahead cocktail that will make everyone smile!


Everything Bagel Pigs in a Blanket

Make this the day before and place on sheet tray. About 30 minutes before guest arrive place in oven to cook! Easy fun starter to a great celebration!

The Main Dish:

The Ham That Makes Itself

Slow Cooker Gochujang Ham

This gochujang glazed ham is probably the easiest recipe on my blog. Let the slow cooker do all the work for you so you can enjoy your guests.

Sides that Are Carb Happy Easy to Make

1. Three Ingredient Tortellini Mac and Cheese

No string butter and flour together or boiling noodles first. This is one pot super easy mac that is done in 10 minutes!

2. Mashed Potato Lasagna

You can make this 3-4 days in advance and heat up in the free oven space (because ham is in the sow cooker). This is a fun carb happy version of mashed potatoes!

3. Bacon Coconut Creamed Kale

One pan easy 15 minute side you can make a couple days in advance and reheat on Easter! In Chop Happy land, bacon is a vegetable, and this is just one way I like to vegetable-ize: mix crispy bacon with sweet coconut milk and kale.

Dessert Deccorating Party:


Grab a store bought cake and let everyone have fun decorating! This is a easy indulgent no bake recipe.



May every recipe be magical and have so much fun. Any  recipes you dont see here or comfort food questions comment below. I am sooo grateful to cook with you! Happy Cooking and any game day questions comment below! Happy eating and make all your recipe dreams come true!

Here is Your Dash of Gratitude:

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

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