10 Best Kitchen Tools That Will Save Money & Reduce Waste

Here are my favorite kitchen tools that will save you money on groceries and reduce food waste. You work hard for your money and saving money is so important. We waste so much money throwing out food or food expiring before we can eat it. Have you ever looked at your bank account and wondered why you spent so much money? A coffee here, takeout there, and buying too many groceries adds up fast! The first step is cook at home and you automatically saves cash. One dinner recipe becomes tomorrows lunch recipe. Leftovers save on delivery fees. Also, there is so many tools out there to stop food from going bad and to make stuff at home. Hope you like these products as much as me and Tom do!

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My Top 3 Tips To Save You Money: 

  1. Make Coffee at Home: Brewing your coffee at home can save you $100 dollars a month and 1,200 a year (according to Business Insider). Also, its good for the environment because you use a reusable coffee mug instead of throwing out paper coffee cups.
  2. Yesterdays Dinner is Today’s Lunch: Even something simple like bbq sauce from last night can be today’s bbq chicken wrap. Tzatziki sauce is today’s spread on your bread for a sandwich. Be creative and don’t waste awesome food!
  3. Grow Your Own Herbs: When I look in my fridge there is always leftover parsley and basil. This is food and money gone to waste. Grow your own fresh herbs and then its free! Plus you can pull off only what you need. Living in NYC apartment I love the new indoor planters.

1) Make Avocado Last Longer (more avocado toast and guac)!

We have all been there, making guacamole or avocado toast and yesterdays avocado half has gone bad!  All those crazy hacks do not work. But the key is to cover it and make sure no air is coming in to stop oxidation. I love food science! This simple avocado cover totally works and is so cheap. More homemade avocado toast less cost to take out for brunch. Here are some awesome avocado recipes:

Happy avocado eating and I hope you love this product! Cheers to avocados staying fresh!

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Tom loves Costco and Sam’s Club. Buying in bulk saves you so much money but also most of it goes unused! Vacuum sealing food preserves food 5 x longer then just putting a freezer bag. Also you can marinate fish or beef (don’t use acid because breaks down the protein) and then seal it in for later. Double saver because you can marinate with leftover herbs and ginger. Finally this is a great way to sous vide. Seal the fish or meat and then drop in the heated water. Either way this saves so much food waste and money.

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3) Make Homemade Soda (Save Money and the Environment)

There are so many reason why I love the soda stream machine! First of all think of all the money you will save not buying store bought soda. That money could go to savings, a nice dinner, or a treat yourself moment. Most importantly this is so good for the environment. Less plastic waste and soda bottles to toss. Finally, the soda machine makes this all much healthier for you and your family! So buy this machine save money, save environment, and be healthy!

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4 ) Make Your Own Zoodles (Save Money and It Tastes Fresher)!

I am obsessed with zoodles for a very lazy reason! It takes 30 seconds to cook opposed to watching water boil for 10 minutes with regular pasta. Also, the zoodles in the store are much more expensive then buying a zucchini and creating noodles yourself. This tool is great for people like me who live in small spaces because its not big  and bulky. I have so many fun zoodle recipes I make on a busy day I need to get dinner on the table fast.

Hope you love this zoodle maker. Wether you are on a low carb diet, vegetarian, vegan, or just want to eat healthy this makes cooking easier and affordable!

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5 ) Grow Your Own Herbs Indoors

When I look in my fridge there is always leftover parsley and basil. This is food and money gone to waste. Grow your own and then its free! Plus you can pull off only what you need. Living in NYC apartment small and indoors is key. I love just picking herbs and making my dish! This is a big money saver. Tip: Save the steams to the hebs and put in freezer bag in freezer. When bag is full put in slow cooker (low 10 hours) with salt, pepper, water, garlic, and ginger and you can make homemade veggie broth.

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6) Make Your Own Smoothies and Save Lots of Money!

I own this! I love love love it! It is a little loud but makes perfect smoothies. Everything blends so well (there is no chunks) and it comes with a lid so you can bring to work. Tip to save more money: buy frozen veggies and fruit. This was not worried about the smoothie ingredients going bad. I have a smoothie every morning and it makes my day start off happy.

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I call the slow cooker my personal chef. The night before I put all the ingredients in the slow cooker. In the morning before work I take out of fridge and turn on. Then come home and dinner was made for me. How many times have you come home with ingredients in the fridge but too tired to cook. I have totally been there and I order takeout lol! The slow cooker avoids this and is me and Toms most used tool in the kitchen. I love coming home to short ribs, brisket, or ginger turmeric lentils for dinner. Here are my favorite recipes:

Happy slow cooker cooking! May this not only save you money but also time. Time to our selves to chill and reconnect with our family is so important. With the slow cooker one less thing you need to do!

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8) Banana Bag (keeps them ripe much longer)

Perfect source of potassium and hearty so feel full but they spoil so easily! This airtight bag keeps bananas fresh 2 weeks!!I love when a product is super simple, practical and saves money too! I hope you love this and have lots of bananas.

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9 ) Make Your Own Iced Coffee (so simple and saves so much money)!

In NYC a cold brew cost $5 minimum. In fact some stores charge more if they call it cold brew. All cold brew means is you put coffee in the filter. Then fill with water and put in fridge overnight. It gives a deep rich flavor. A simple machine like this will save you $35 a week just in coffee. So cool. I have one at work and home! I hope this gets your caffeine fix and makes you have extra money in savings.

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10 ) Keep Fresh Herbs Good Longer!

You took the time to grow your own herbs or buy them for one recipe. Now lets save some for another recipe so you have more dollars in your wallet! Herbs go bad so fast and its a shame because the steams can make soup, the leaves freshen a slow cooked dish. Its the smile on a recipe! Goes in your fridge so does not take up counter space and is amazing! Happy herbaceous cooking! Here are some fun recipes to use with all the extra herbs that did not go bad:

I hope you love this tool! It is a cooks best friend. Also besides saving money it also helps you eat better! Healthier cooking with fresh herbs.


Sending you gratitude and thankfulness! Hope these books help make you smile and brighten your day!

Slow Cooker 2 Ingredient Meatballs

I am so Grateful for you and thankful to get to cook with you! Any questions about this recipe or any others feel free to comment below. May every day be happy comfort food day!

With a grateful heart – Jay

My Favorite way to add a little more gratitude to my life: 

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